
Wednesday 28 January 2015

Meditation, yes or no?

As it is the start of the year, I was reflecting on my first year of teaching. One thing I am extremely proud of is introducing my 22 year 3/4 students to meditation.

Now, I must admit, in the beginning it was hard yards. One student even told me it was boring and he constantly felt itchy. Both of these points are valid (got to love how open and honest children are!) I explained to them that this was their time, and time that we hardly get to ourselves during the day. 5 minutes each day is so little, yet even 8-10 year olds already dont have time.

As I do, I persisted and reminded them about having their time and trying not to waste it. What ever has occurred during the day it is important to try and keep our mind as still as we can. Yes we have bad days, yes we get itchy, yes we are busy and thinking about how I didnt master that cartwheel at lunchtime, but its all our time.

By the end of the year I used the same child as my example to other students. He LOVED meditation time. I saw him sit still, cross his legs, relax his arms and even fall asleep! He was still, and finally enjoying his own time. It was so good to see that he could improve his own practice and change his state of thinking and realised the benefits.

So this year I will be doing the same. Continuing the pattern and the routine. Change up the various ways we can meditate and keeping it interesting each time. Of course we all can
t sit still for 5 minutes listening to music. But we can walk, draw, listen, create and all be meditating at the same time. Its all about keeping your mind still!

Whilst spending some down time on Facebook, I came across a fantastic article, all about meditation. It just re-confirmed everything I was doing and how much it helps students today!
Ill stop my talking and raving about how great it is, and you can watch it for yourself!
I hope you enjoy!

But for now, Class Dismissed!

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